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Last Updated: Monday, 20 August 2007, 16:54 GMT 17:54 UK
Jamie Oliver becomes cartoon chef
Still from the cartoon series, Little J
Jamie Oliver has a cast of unusual culinary friends in the cartoon
Celebrity chef Jamie Oliver has been turned into an animated character for a children's TV cartoon series made by the company behind Wallace and Gromit.

The show, Little J, will follow Oliver as a 10-year-old trying to find the secret to becoming a great chef.

Oliver said: "I really want to pass on a little knowledge in a fun way, to really connect to the younger kids."

Each of the 52 episodes made by Aardman Animations will be 11 minutes long and will be aimed at seven to 11-year-olds.

"I can't tell you how passionate I am about kids and food," Oliver added.

'Inspiring comedy'

Little J will be accompanied by several bizarre characters such as a depressed ham and a mad scientist called Eggs Benedict, who sports a chicken on his head.

A "spiritual-cum-culinary guru" called Nonna will guide him on his journey.

Miles Bullough from Aardman Animations said: "We were thrilled when Jamie approached us to collaborate on an animated project.

"We quickly agreed that we needed to make a show that was first and foremost a comedy, which would hopefully inspire kids to think positively about good food, even brussel sprouts."

No broadcaster has yet signed up to show the series.

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